Develop a program to demonstrate formatted and unformatted input and output functions. (Just read data and display)
Develop a program to read contents from a file
Potentiometric estimation of FAS using K2Cr2O7
Develop a program to solve simple computational problems using arithmetic expressions and use of each operator leading to simulation of a Commercial calculator. (No built-in math function)
Develop a program to solve simple computational problems using arithmetic expressions and use of each operator leading to simulation of a Commercial calculator.
Develop a program to find the reverse of a positive integer and check for palindrome or not.
Develop a program to implement Binary search using one dimensional arrays.
Develop a program to sort the given set of N numbers using Bubble sort.
Develop a program to introduce 2D Array manipulation and implement Matrix multiplication and ensure the rules of multiplication are checked.
Implement using functions to check whether the given number is prime and display appropriate messages.
Write functions to implement string operations such as compare, concatenate, string length. Convince the parameter passing techniques