Write a C program to performs as a calculator (addition, multiplication, division, subtraction).
Write a C program to check the given string is Palindrome or not.
Write a C program to print Pascal triangle.
Write a C Program to perform all String operations.
Write programs to display the patterns.
Write a C program to convert a distance into different units.
Write a C program to find area of square, rectangle, triangle and circle using formulae.
Write a C program to calculate simple interest and compound interest.
Program to balance the given Chemical Equation values x, y, p, q of a simple chemical equation of the type: The task is to find the values of constants b1, b2, b3 such that the equation is balanced on both sides and it must be the reduced form.
Write a C program to find factorial of a number using recursion.
Write a C program to generate Fibonacci series using recursion.
Write a C program to generate and print Armstrong numbers.
Write a C program to generate and print Linear search and Binary search of numbers.